10. Lü Treading carefully. Upper Trigram: Ch'ien; Creative Principle, Heaven. Lower Trigram: Tui; Joy, a Lake. Constitutional Rulers: Six in the third place. Governing Rulers: Nine in the fifth place. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ The Image: The sky above, and below it the waters of a lake: the image of Lü. The superior man, in accordance with this, discriminates between high and low, and gives settlement to the aims of the people. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Miscellaneous Signs: (9, 29, 30, 55, 56) Hsiao Ch'u with few 'gainst many foes contends; Movement in Lü, unresting,never ends. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ The Judgement: Lü suggests the idea of one treading on the tail of a tiger, that does not bite him. There will be progress and success. Appended Judgement: Lü shows us the foundation of virtue and the perfection of harmony. Lü also appears in the harmony of conduct. See also Ta Chuan, section II, chapter VII, §§ 2-4. Commentary: In Lü we see weakness (the yin-line) treading on strength. The lower trigram indicates pleasure and satisfaction, and responds to the upper, representing strength. Hence 'he treads on the tail of a tiger, that does not bite him; there will be progress and success'. The fifth line is strong , in the centre, and in its correct place. Its subject occupies the God-given position, and falls into no distress or failure; his actions will be brilliant. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ The Lines: Nine in the bottom place: This line shows its subject treading his accustomed path. If he go forward, there will be no error. ____________________________________ Nine in the second place: Showing its subject treading a path that is level and easy; a quiet and solitary man, to whom, if he be firm and correct, there will be good fortune. ____________________________________ Six in the third place: X A one-eyed man who thinks he can see well; a lame man who thinks he can walk; one who treads on the tail of a tiger and is bitten. All this indicates ill fortune. We have one merely acting the part of a great ruler. ____________________________________ Nine in the fourth place: Showing its subject treading on the tail of a tiger. He becomes full of apprehensive caution; in the end there will be good fortune. ____________________________________ Nine in the fifth place: O Showing the resolute tread of its subject. But though he be firm and correct, there will be peril. ____________________________________ Top-most nine: This line suggests to look at the whole course that is trodden, and examine the signs encountered. If they be complete and without failure, there will be great good fortune. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Commentaries: Nine in the bottom place: 'He treads his accustomed path and goes forward': singly and exclusively he carries out his wishes. ____________________________________ Nine in the second place: 'A quiet and solitary man, to whom, being firm and correct, there will be good fortune': holding the due mean, he will not allow himself to be thrown into disorder. ____________________________________ Six in the third place: 'A one-eyed man who thinks he can see': he is not fit to see clearly. 'A lame man who thinks he can walk': one cannot walk along with him. The 'ill fortune of being bitten', arises from the place not being the proper one for him. 'One merely acting the part of a great ruler': this is owing to his aims being too violent. ____________________________________ Nine in the fourth place: 'He becomes full of apprehensive caution; in the end there will be good fortune': his aim takes effect. ____________________________________ Nine in the fifth place: 'He treads resolutely; but though he be firm and correct, there will be peril': he treads resolutely, due to his being in the position that is correct and appropriate to him. ____________________________________ Top-most nine: 'There will be great good fortune', and that in the occupancy of the top-most line: this is great matter for congratulation. ____________________________________